A boat came passing by-
framed by the blue and laughing sky
He did not know I saw
his flirting with the waves and wind
And dancing with the dew.
Dangling from his graceful
end were lines of different hues
and a silent hunter’s plea
that tries to lure the restless sea
In the ancient game of prey.
I offered him a thought or two
that the fish may come to say hello
And swiftly as they glide away
they do not take with them
The courage of a boat-
who sometimes lost
and sometimes
also won.
La Bambi:
Welcome to the blogging world! Good to know that your creative spirit in Cebuano and English have found online homes at last.:) To streamline your post, I suggest you place the text below the picture or under the text so that dili mahiwi ang line-cutting sa stanza because of the placement of the picture. Regarding chatterbox and link, it's very simple. Go to my chatterbox, and click "cbox" written sa pinakaubos so that you will be lead to the "cbox" site where you can register and get your code. This code you will later cut and paste or copy to your blog's template. Regarding links, click "Blogrolling" at the base of my links and once you're in the site, you can register and get code which you will also put in your template. Good luck!
we are of the same happenstance:
bambi... finally online this time.
was this the time when you kissed the moonlight for me at Olango?
- vera
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