Sunday, September 14, 2008

Early in the Morning

The uneasy butterfly sleepwalks
The sun peeps behind the clouds
The sleeping Jasmine awakes
The hiding root emerges
The Anahaw* leaf dances
The stepping stones do not move
The moss in the garden laughs
The Tamsi* perches on the branch
The wily earthworm comes out
The shy Mimosa* opens up
The cold wind blows
in my face. He stirs
this soul that just
a couple of hours before,
dreamt of this all.

*Anahaw- Philipinne national leaf.
*Tamsi- a small bird found everywhere in the Philippines.
*Mimosa- plant whose leaf closes when touched by wind or hand.
Poem is translated from Cebuano " Sayo sa Kabuntagon*

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